We Are One
Matthew 18:15-35 contains some of the most powerful and challenging teachings of Jesus on the themes of reconciliation, forgiveness, and the importance of grace within the community of believers.
Discussion Questions
1. In verses 15-17, Jesus outlines a process for addressing someone who has sinned. Why do you think the first step is to go to the person privately, and what impact can that have on the relationship?
2. Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive a brother or sister who sins against him. Why do you think Jesus responds with "seventy-seven times" (or seventy times seven in some translations)? What does this teach us about forgiveness?
3. How do we reconcile the call to forgive with the need for justice in some situations?
4. In the parable, the king forgives a massive debt, but the servant refuses to forgive a smaller debt. What does this reveal about the nature of God’s grace and how we should reflect that grace to others?
5. Why do you think the servant struggles to extend the same mercy that he himself received? How can we guard against becoming like this servant in our own lives?
6. Is there anyone in your life that you are struggling to forgive? What might be holding you back from offering forgiveness to them?
Discussion Questions
1. In verses 15-17, Jesus outlines a process for addressing someone who has sinned. Why do you think the first step is to go to the person privately, and what impact can that have on the relationship?
2. Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive a brother or sister who sins against him. Why do you think Jesus responds with "seventy-seven times" (or seventy times seven in some translations)? What does this teach us about forgiveness?
3. How do we reconcile the call to forgive with the need for justice in some situations?
4. In the parable, the king forgives a massive debt, but the servant refuses to forgive a smaller debt. What does this reveal about the nature of God’s grace and how we should reflect that grace to others?
5. Why do you think the servant struggles to extend the same mercy that he himself received? How can we guard against becoming like this servant in our own lives?
6. Is there anyone in your life that you are struggling to forgive? What might be holding you back from offering forgiveness to them?