Exodus:Presence and Calling

Exodus 3 is a pivotal chapter in the Bible, where God calls Moses from the burning bush. It teaches us about God's presence, His calling, and our response to His mission.

Sermon Outline
1. God Sees, Hears and Knows
2. Ordinary things become Holy in Gods Presence
3. Fears are normal, but they aren't Final
4. Trust the Name of God

Discussion Questions
1. Moses saw a burning bush and turned aside to look. What are some ways God might be trying to get your attention today?
2. Why do you think God asked Moses to take off his sandals? What does that teach us about approaching God?
3. God responded to Moses’ fears by saying, “I will be with you.” How does this truth impact the way we face challenges?
4. God revealed His name as “I AM WHO I AM.” What does this tell us about His character?
5. In what situations do you need to remind yourself that God is your “I AM” (Provider, Healer, Strength, etc.)?