The Book of Acts: Re-Routing

Acts 13:44-52 highlights the dynamic and often challenging nature of the early Christian mission, emphasizing the universal reach of the Gospel and the steadfast joy found in serving God.  The passage underscores the message that salvation through Jesus is available to all, breaking down the barriers between Jews and Gentiles.

Acts 13:44-52

  1. The Gospel is for Everyone
  2. The Gospel requires a response! 
  3. The Gospel is divisive. 

Discussion Questions
  1. Why do you think almost the whole city gathered to hear Paul and Barnabas speak?
  2. What might be the deeper reasons behind the jealousy and opposition of the Jewish leaders?
  3. In what ways does Paul’s declaration in verse 46 reflect the broader mission of the early church?
  4. What does the reaction of the Gentiles in verse 48 tell us about the inclusivity of the Gospel message?
  5. Why do you think Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off their feet when they left? What does this action signify?

Application Questions
  1. Have you ever experienced or witnessed jealousy or opposition when sharing your faith? How did you handle it?
  2. What are some ways we can ensure that the message of the Gospel is inclusive and reaches diverse groups of people?
  3. How can we respond joyfully and be filled with the Holy Spirit, even in the face of rejection or opposition, as the disciples did?
  4. In what areas of your life is God calling you to be bold in sharing your faith, as Paul and Barnabas were?