The Women’s Ministry at TCAWM is here to provide you with opportunities to make new friends 
and grow in Christ.

  It is our desire for everyone to feel 
accepted and welcome.



February 8, SATURDAY, 6:00 PM
Cheryl Trimble will open her home and share her testimony.  Mark your calendar and join us for a sweet time of fellowship.   Food will be provided.
Please RSVP below.
2025 Ladies Schedule of Events
March 17, 6:00pm
Connect Mixer at Open Door Resource Center

Many ladies commented on our recent survey that they need help getting connected.  This is your chance to meet and get to know other ladies in the church.

April 12, Saturday
Equip Ladies Conference

Theme: Attributes of a Godly Woman
Location: TCAWM
Times TBD.

May 12, 6:00 PM
Bible Study Tools at Janis Roberts house.


July (date TBD)
Ladies Swim Party at Lynn Gray's home

August 11, 6:00 pm
Fellowship and devotional at Bernie Bence's home.

September 18-20
Ladies Retreat to Broken Bow, OK.  

Price and details TBD

October (date TBD)
Ladies Steak Night at Stacy' Trimble's home

November 10, 6:00 pm
Fellowship & Potluck in Rachel Aguirre's home.

December 8, 6:00 pm
Festival of Tables at the church

The Women's Ministry 
Leadership Team

April Musgrove: 318-243-2852 (Leader)
Teresa Owen : 903-353-3200  ( Co-Leader)
Tia Duncan: 971-400-8110
Janis Roberts: 903-399-1189
Emmy Richardson: 503-812-5065
Cindy Ellis: 903-574-5858
April Quick: 903-918-8463
Barbara Morgan:  903-720-4645

We want to grow with you!

Our Women’s Ministry exists to help each of us grow by doing these 5 things:

Pray   1 Thes 5:17
Love   Matt 22:37-39
Witness   Acts 1:8
Connect   Titus 2:2-5
Disciple   Matt 28:19-20

If you have questions or need more information about women's ministry events or the schedule, please reach out to one of us. We want to help you get connected with other women and get involved!

Contact us to get connected today!

We'd love to hear from you!
Fill out the form below for more information about women's ministry.