The Book of Acts: Finish Line Fatih

In Acts 14:19-28, we witness a pivotal moment in the early missionary work of Paul and Barnabas. This passage highlights the resilience, commitment, and faithfulness required to spread the Gospel despite intense opposition and physical suffering.

Finish Line Faith
Acts 14:19-28

  1. Live for something worth dying for. 
  2. It matters who is around you. 
  3. Don’t forget the mission. 

Discussion Questions

1. Have you ever faced significant challenges in your faith journey? How did you overcome them?
2. Paul and Barnabas encouraged the disciples to remain true to the faith and warned them about hardships. Why is it important to be honest about the challenges of faith while also offering encouragement?  Can you share a time when someone’s encouragement helped you stay strong in your faith?
3. What does the appointment of elders in each church tell us about the importance of leadership and discipleship in finishing strong?
4. Paul and Barnabas reported all that God had done through them. Why is it important to reflect on and share testimonies of God’s work in our lives?
5. In what ways can we foster long-term faithfulness in our own lives and in the lives of others?