The Book of Acts: Don't Make it Difficult

Acts 15 centers on the Jerusalem Council, a pivotal meeting held to address whether Gentile converts to Christianity needed to follow Jewish customs, particularly circumcision, to be saved. This question was not merely about a ritual but touched the core of salvation, faith, and the identity of the early Christian community.

Don't Make it Difficult
Acts 15:1-35

1. The Problem- vs 1-5
2. The Response- vs 6-11
3. Practical Evidence- vs 12
4. Biblical Evidence- vs 13-18
5. The Decision- vs 19-21

Discussion Questions
1. What is the main issue being addressed in Acts 15:1-21?
2. What were the arguments presented by those who believed circumcision was necessary for salvation?
3. How does this passage help us understand the relationship between law and grace?
4. How did the early church handle the diversity of cultural practices between Jewish and Gentile believers? What principles can we learn from their approach?
5. Are there ways in which we might unintentionally impose extra requirements on others for salvation or church membership today? How can we avoid this?
6. How does understanding salvation by grace alone impact your personal faith and relationship with God?
7. Is there an area in your life where you’ve been holding onto legalistic practices or beliefs? How can you embrace the grace of God more fully?
8. How did the early church use Scripture to address their issues? How can we effectively use Scripture in resolving conflicts and guiding decisions today?