The Book of Acts: A Case for the Gospel

 This section covers Paul's missionary journey to Philippi, the conversion of Lydia, the casting out of a spirit from a slave girl, and the dramatic events surrounding Paul and Silas's imprisonment and the subsequent conversion of the jailer.

A Case for the Gospel
Acts 16:11-40

Case 1- Lydia
Case 2 Slave Girl
Case 3- Jailer

Discussion Questions

  • Verses 11-12: Why do you think it was important for Paul and his companions to go to Philippi? How did the Holy Spirit guide them there?
  • Verses 13-15: What do you learn about Lydia from these verses? How did God prepare her heart to receive the Gospel?
  • Verses 16-18: What was the significance of Paul casting out the spirit from the slave girl? How does this demonstrate the power of Jesus' name?
  • Verses 19-24: What were the reasons behind the opposition Paul and Silas faced from the slave girl's owners? How did Paul and Silas respond to their imprisonment and suffering?
  • Verses 25-28: What stands out to you about Paul and Silas’s behavior in prison? How did their actions influence the other prisoners and the jailer?
  • Verses 29-34: How did the jailer’s encounter with Paul and Silas lead to his conversion? What immediate changes did you notice in his life after he believed in Jesus?

1. In what ways can we be more attentive and responsive to those who are seeking or in need of spiritual deliverance around us?
2. What practical steps can we take to boldly share the Gospel with others, even in the face of opposition?
3. How can we support and encourage new believers as they begin their journey of faith?