The Book of Acts: Living Among Idols

This passage is rich with insights for contemporary believers. Paul's approach to engaging with a culture steeped in idolatry and intellectual pride offers valuable lessons on contextualizing the gospel without compromising its core truths. His respectful yet bold proclamation challenges us to find common ground with those around us while pointing them to the one true God.
As we study Acts 17:16-34, we are invited to reflect on our own contexts, considering how we can effectively communicate the gospel in a world filled with various "idols" and competing philosophies. Paul's example encourages us to be observant, compassionate, and courageous in our witness, trusting that God can use our efforts to draw people to Himself.

Living Among Idols
Acts 17:16-34

1. Provoked in Spirit
2. Tolerance Vs Love
3. Birthdays and Boundaries
4. Resurrection Power

Discussion Questions
1. Why do you think Paul felt distressed by the idols in Athens?  In what ways do we encounter "idols" in our own culture today? How should we respond?
2. What does Paul's approach to speaking with the Athenians tell us about engaging with different cultures? How can we use elements of our culture to bridge conversations about faith and the gospel?
3. What does repentance mean in our context, and how can we communicate its importance to others?
4. How does understanding that God is not confined to buildings or specific locations impact your relationship with Him?
5. How does Paul's message challenge us to think about God's presence and activity in the world as it relates to our birthday and boundaries (when and where we live)?