The Book of Acts: Fighting Discouragement

In Acts 18:1-22, we find Paul at a critical juncture in his ministry. Having faced considerable opposition in previous cities, Paul arrives in Corinth—a bustling, morally challenging city. It's a place where he could have easily been overwhelmed by discouragement. Yet, in this passage, we see how God provides encouragement through various means: the companionship of Aquila and Priscilla, the support of new believers, and a direct word from the Lord.

Fighting Discouragement
Acts 18:1-22

1. We are encouraged by the hospitality of others.
2. We are encouraged by the Mission.
3. We are encouraged by Gods promises.

Discussion Questions
1. What challenges did Paul face when he first arrived in Corinth?
 Acts 18:1-6) How did Paul respond to the opposition and discouragement he                 encountered?(Acts 18:6-8)
2. What role did Aquila, Priscilla, and others play in encouraging Paul?
(Acts 18:2-3, 7-8)
3. How did God's words to Paul in a vision encourage him during a time of fear and discouragement? (Acts 18:9-10)
4. Have you ever felt discouraged in your faith or ministry? What were the causes of that discouragement?
5. How can we be more intentional in offering support and encouragement to those who may be struggling in our community?
6. What can we learn from Paul’s example about balancing the need for personal encouragement with the call to continue serving others?