The Book of Acts: True Power

In the book of Acts, we witness the unstoppable advance of the gospel through the early church, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Acts 19:11-20 takes us to the city of Ephesus, a hub of spiritual activity, where the Apostle Paul’s ministry was marked by extraordinary miracles. These weren’t just typical healings; they were acts of divine power that grabbed the attention of an entire city deeply entrenched in magic and superstition.

True Power
Acts 19:11-20

1. True Power
2. False Power
3. Result of False Power
1. Stripped
2. Hurt
4. Result of True Power
1. Word of the Lord Preached
2. Jesus Extolled
3. Sanctification
4. Sacrifice

Discussion Questions
1. What do the "extraordinary miracles" performed by Paul in Ephesus reveal about the power and presence of God in this city? How do these miracles serve as a testimony to the gospel?
2. Why do you think the seven sons of Sceva failed when they tried to use the name of Jesus to cast out a demon? What does this teach us about the difference between knowing about Jesus and truly knowing Him?
3. In what ways does this passage contrast the power of God with the practices of magic and superstition prevalent in Ephesus? How do these contrasts challenge our understanding of spiritual authority today?
4. What can we learn from the response of the Ephesian believers, who publicly confessed their sins and burned their scrolls? How does this act of repentance demonstrate the transformative power of the gospel?
5. The text says that "the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power" after these events. What factors contributed to the spread of the gospel in Ephesus? What can we apply from this to our own efforts in sharing the gospel today?
6. How does this passage challenge us to evaluate our own lives for any "counterfeit powers" or influences that may compete with the authority of Christ? What steps can we take to ensure that Christ alone is the source of our spiritual power and authority?
7. Reflect on a time when you witnessed or experienced the power of God in a way that left no doubt about His presence. How did that experience impact your faith?