The Book of Acts: Time To Move On

In many ways, Paul’s 3 year ministry in Ephesus was the pinnacle of his missionary career. He spent more time in Ephesus than in any other city, and while there, reached the entire Roman province of Asia. He taught so extensively in Ephesus that he could later say to the Ephesian elders that he had proclaimed the “whole will of God” to them. Acts 19:21-20:1 shows us how Paul made a healthy transition from this rich time of ministry to the future assignments God had in store for him.

Time to Move On
Acts 19:21-20:1

Application Points
  1. Make sure God is in your life transitions
    1. Know your life calling and priorities and embrace transitions that further those.
    2. Involve other believers in your big decisions.
  2. Always be ready for the transition
    1. As far as possible, live at peace with all men.
    2. Build and develop others to take over when you leave.
  3. Get the timing right
    1. God has a plan, and a timetable for that plan.
    2. Don’t run ahead or lag behind his timetable.

5 Red Flags in Life Transitions
  1. Rash decisions.
  2. Strong emotions.
  3. Conflict with God-given authorities.
  4. Excluding family and other believers.
  5. Burning your bridges.

Study Questions

  • Why did Paul decide to go to Jerusalem via Macedonia and Achaia? (See 1 Corinthians 16:1-9)
  • Why did Paul feel it necessary to go to Rome?
  • How did Paul spread the gospel throughout Asia while staying in Ephesus? (See Acts 19:9-10)
  • What made Paul conclude it was time to move on?
  • Can you share a recent life transition that went well? Why did it go well?
  • Can you share a recent life transition that went poorly? What could you have done better?
  • How would you state your life goals and priorities?
  • Do you have someone in your life who can walk with you through a major decision?
  • Is there any authority figure in your life that you are struggling to be at peace with?
  • Are you facing a life transition soon that you would like to share with the group?