The Book of Acts: Bound and Determined

 Bound and Determined

I.Paul’s Ministry vv.17-21
  • A.His Example v.18
  • B.His Suffering v.19
  • C.His Teaching v.20
  • D.His Witness v.21

II.Paul’s Desire vv.22-24
  • A.His Conviction vv.22-23
  • B.His Commitment v.24

III.Paul’s Passion vv.25-38
  • A.His Urgency vv.25-27
  • B.His Warning vv.28-31
  • C.His Commendation v.32
  • D.His Compassion vv.33-35
  • E.His Parting vv.36-38

Discussion Questions

What kind of example are you setting for others to follow?
Have you ever suffered because of your faith?
What are you willing to suffer for your faith?
Do you feel like you’re running your race well?
What obstacles are you facing in your Christian walk?
What are you doing to overcome those obstacles?
Are you committed to finishing well? What would that look like for you? Is there anything in your life that needs to change in order for you to finish well?

Other verses shared
Jn 13:15
1Co 4:16
Ph 3:17
1Th 1:6-7
Ro 9:2-3
Ph 3:8-9, 12-14
2 Ti 4:7