The Book of Acts: This is My Story

The passage from Acts 21:17–22:21 provides a powerful example of how God can use our personal stories to reach others. The Apostle Paul, after years of missionary work, returns to Jerusalem and faces intense opposition. But instead of defending himself or arguing, Paul seizes the moment to do something remarkable—he shares his testimony. He recounts his past, his radical encounter with Jesus, and how God transformed his life and mission.
In this section, Paul’s story is not just about him; it’s about God’s grace and how it can work in anyone’s life. His testimony bridges the gap between his past life of religious zeal and his new mission to the Gentiles. Paul’s courage to share his story in the face of hostility shows us the power of a personal testimony.
Today, many of us may feel inadequate or unsure about how to share our faith. We might worry about how people will respond, or we may not feel that our story is significant. But Paul’s example reminds us that God works through the stories of everyday people to accomplish His purposes.

This is My Story
Acts 21:17-22:21

1. Start Where You are
2. Use Familiar Language
3. Your Life Before Christ
4. Share the Turning Point
5. Obedience and Change
6. See Yourself in Gods Greater Plan

Discussion Questions
1. Paul speaks to a crowd under challenging circumstances. What challenges or fears do you face when it comes to sharing your testimony with others?  How can you “start where you are” to share your story, even in difficult or uncomfortable situations?
2. Paul’s life-changing encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus is the turning point in his story.   What was the turning point in your life when you encountered Jesus?
3. Ananias played a crucial role in helping Paul understand his calling and receive God’s healing.  Who are the people God used to help you in your faith journey? How did they shape your relationship with Jesus?
4.  Paul realized that his testimony was part of a larger mission to reach the Gentiles.  How do you see your testimony fitting into God’s larger plan of spreading the Gospel?  What specific mission or calling has God given you that you can share as part of your testimony?