The Book of Acts: Life on Purpose
Acts 26:16-32 recounts a pivotal moment in the Apostle Paul's life as he defends his faith before King Agrippa. In this passage, Paul shares his dramatic conversion experience on the road to Damascus, emphasizing the divine calling he received from Jesus. He articulates the mission he was given to spread the gospel, particularly to the Gentiles, and the challenges he faced in doing so. This narrative not only highlights Paul’s commitment to his faith but also invites reflection on the transformative power of encountering Christ and the importance of sharing one’s testimony. As we explore these verses, we see the intersection of personal experience, divine purpose, and the challenge of proclaiming truth in the face of opposition.
Life on Purpose
Acts 25-26
1. Our Life has a Purpose
2. Our Purpose is Found in Obedience
3. Our Purpose is not Contingent on our Circumstance
Small Group Discussion Questions
1. What stands out to you in Paul’s encounter with Christ in verses 16-18? How does this relate to your own experience of purpose?
2. In verse 16, Paul is called to "get up." What does this command signify for him, and how can it apply to us when we feel called to a new direction or purpose?
3. In verses 17-18, God outlines Paul’s mission. How does knowing your specific mission or calling help you live purposefully?
4. Paul faced significant opposition for his faith. What challenges do you face in living out your purpose? How do you overcome them?
5. In verses 19-23, Paul demonstrates faithfulness to his calling. What practices or habits help you remain faithful to your purpose in life?