Youth Camp 2024
Download the Final announcement and pack list here
It is time to sign up for Youth Camp 2024! We are excited about camp this year and we are looking forward to YOU being there with us. The price is $325 per student. (discount for households with multiple students is $250 for each additional student.) Please contact me with any questions you might have concerning sign up or camp. tcrabtree@tcawm.com 903-720-6625
Student Pastor, Todd Crabtree
We need to make our plans for camp soon, signing up early helps us so much. Therefore we want to offer you a chance to GO TO CAMP FOR FREE, by signing up early and entering your name in a drawing to get 100% of your camp fee returned to you. We also have other prize drawing nightly, so don't miss out.
Student Pastor, Todd Crabtree
We need to make our plans for camp soon, signing up early helps us so much. Therefore we want to offer you a chance to GO TO CAMP FOR FREE, by signing up early and entering your name in a drawing to get 100% of your camp fee returned to you. We also have other prize drawing nightly, so don't miss out.
Sign up closed July 1st
Early Sign up for camp opens on April 14,2024 and goes to April 28, 2024. Signing up during those dates gives you a chance to go to camp for free! There is a deposit of $100 required to sign up, and each student needs to fill out their own form. Special pricing is available for families with multiple children. That information is on the registration form.
Regular sign up will reopen soon after April 28, and will continue until July 1
Regular sign up will reopen soon after April 28, and will continue until July 1