Sermon Notes

The Book of Acts: A Case for the Gospel
July 21st, 2024
 This section covers Paul's missionary journey to Philippi, the conversion of Lydia, the casting out of a spirit from a slave girl, and the dramatic events surrounding Paul and Silas's imprisonment and the subsequent conversion of the jailer.A Case for the GospelActs 16:11-40Case 1- LydiaCase 2 Slave GirlCase 3- JailerDiscussion QuestionsVerses 11-12: Why do you think it was important for Paul and...
The Book of Acts: When God Says No
July 14th, 2024
In Acts 16:1-10, we witness an intriguing aspect of God's guidance: His ability to say "no" to even well-intentioned plans. As Paul and his companions set out on their missionary journey, they seek to spread the gospel in various regions. However, the Holy Spirit repeatedly redirects them, forbidding them to preach in Asia and not allowing them to enter Bithynia. This passage highlights how God's ...
The Book of Acts: My way or the highway
July 7th, 2024
Acts 15:36-41 Discussion QuestionsAlong with the main passage we will also look at Galatians 2:11-13 and Timothy 4:11.What stands out to you about the character and ministry of Paul and Barnabas?How are they alike? How are they different?Why do you think they were both so headstrong in their opinions?Was one right and one wrong?Do you think God orchestrated these events or do you think that He jus...
The Book of Acts: Don't Make it Difficult
June 30th, 2024
Acts 15 centers on the Jerusalem Council, a pivotal meeting held to address whether Gentile converts to Christianity needed to follow Jewish customs, particularly circumcision, to be saved. This question was not merely about a ritual but touched the core of salvation, faith, and the identity of the early Christian community.Don't Make it DifficultActs 15:1-351. The Problem- vs 1-52. The Response- ...
The Book of Acts: Finish Line Fatih
June 23rd, 2024
In Acts 14:19-28, we witness a pivotal moment in the early missionary work of Paul and Barnabas. This passage highlights the resilience, commitment, and faithfulness required to spread the Gospel despite intense opposition and physical suffering.Finish Line FaithActs 14:19-28Live for something worth dying for. It matters who is around you. Don’t forget the mission. Discussion Questions1. Have you ...